German supermarkets are nice and relatively large, and if you are wondering, yes they do have some uniqueness in a sense. Here are four things you only find in a German supermarket.
1 – Bread Cutting Machines
So basically Germans love to buy one big loaf of bread and use a bread cutting machine to cut them into slices. This is something unique to Germany.
2- Potted Herbal Plants
You can find potted herbal plants, such as Basil, Oregano, Rosemarie, Peterselie … etc. This way you have a reproductive way of always getting your herbs without needing to buy them each time 😉
3- Unrefrigerated Milk
Interestingly enough, you can also find long-lasting milk that doesn’t need to be put in a fridge.
4- Entire Section For Herbal Tea
Germans aren’t big on black tea, but they do really like herbal tea! Thus at the supermarket you will find an entire section dedicated only for herbal tea.
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